Guarantee weight loss results? I bet you think I’m out of my mind! I’m serious though. You as a personal trainer or a coach can and should guarantee results.
Now, I know what you are thinking…
“But, don’t results depend on your clients and how well they follow your program?”
In part they do.
And then there’s the issue that everyone is different, and an approach that works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. Case in point: low-fat vs. low-carb. Some people put on weight with the very same diet that helped others lose weight, if only temporarily.
Then again, isn’t it your job as a coach or trainer to help your clients achieve results? That’s what they pay you for. And you’ll be able to deliver too, once you tap into the right kind of strategies.
Sure, I understand why you may be wary. Your track record is probably not as good as you’d like, and you’re far from alone. The weight loss industry practically thrives on failure and seems to depend on yo-yo roller coaster results.
They also would like to keep it that way since it guarantees repeat business as desperate dieters continue on their weight loss merry-go-round, moving from one approach to the next, always hoping that the latest one will actually work.
But there’s a different way – a way that can help you get repeat business while attracting new business. The system I’m about to share with you will close the revolving door.
How Changing the Way You Look At Food and Your Body Will Help Your Clients Lose Weight
Einstein used to say that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And so if you truly want deliver different results — permanent weight loss that can be guaranteed — you need to change what you’re doing.
Here’s how:
1) Go Beyond Diet and Exercise
Sure, diet and exercise may bring short-term results for some of your clients as they put in a huge effort. But most of them will eventually put their weight back on.
Instead, start paying more attention to your clients’ mental and emotional issues first. The fact is that once you help them adjust their mindset and resolve their emotional issues with food and their bodies, losing weight will become much easier. They will then start following a healthier eating and lifestyle plan.
2) Help Your Clients Understand That Food Is Not the Enemy
Many dieters have been brainwashed into dividing food into two categories — good and bad. According to that system, the “bad” category contains all the tasty food worth eating, while the “good” food category is often equated with rabbit food. This leads to a very distorted approach to eating, resulting in an endless cycle of self-deprivation and overeating, followed by guilt and more self-deprivation.
Food is not the enemy. We need food. Unlike alcoholics who can simply stop drinking alcohol, we cannot forsake food for good. So we have to learn to approach food in a healthier way. And we absolutely have to stop using food as reward or punishment.
3) Help Your Clients Manage Emotional Eating
Accept that much overeating happens in response to emotional issues. Life is stressful, especially for those clients who are struggling with their weight. To soothe their uncomfortable feelings and make themselves feel better, even though it may be just temporarily, they overeat.
On the other hand, some clients might overeat to punish themselves. As the trainer or coach, you need to provide your clients with strategies that help them manage their emotions without resorting to food.
4)Teach Your Clients Self-Acceptance
Most people with weight problems hate their bodies and themselves. And when you think about it for a moment, you can see that such self-hate is a set-up for dietary failure. How much effort are you going to put into doing something for someone you hate – especially if it involves a lot of effort?
Not much!
So even though it may be difficult, you need to help your clients feel more accepting and loving towards themselves. Self-love is a crucial first step toward weight loss success.
5) Help Your Clients Visualize Success
With failure almost a constant in traditional weight loss approaches, your clients might find it difficult to even envision themselves at their goal weight. Yet, it’s crucial that they get a clear picture of where they want to go and what it will be like to get there.
If you follow these strategies and tips, along with those you find in the MindBody FX Program, you’ll start noticing that your clients will achieve permanent weight loss results.
My files are filled to overflowing with testimonials like the one by Mary Frey:
“You helped me regain my confidence, learn healthy habits and lose 30.4 lbs! I have control over my eating and my life again. And I fit into a pair of jeans which I haven’t fit in for 5 years.”